Potable Water Systems

SN1 Small Tank Spray Aeration System (THM/VOC Removal)

SN1 Systems Self-Installed
start less than $20,000!


For Small Potable
Storage Tanks & Reservoirs



Now there's an effective & affordable solution for active trihalomethane removal in small tanks!


The Fast Response Early Boost (FREB) strategy has provided effective control in chloraminated potable water tanks during warm months when these problems are most acute.

Mixing For Distribution Tanks

Every Tank Needs Mixing.

Chlorine & chloramine systems can attain real water quality benefits.

Inadequate potable tank mixing is a persistent problem for many municipal water systems. Many operators rely on mixing via normal cycling of water in and out of the tank to limit water age and deterioration of disinfectant chemicals (but most often this is not enough).

Simply put, tanks need consistent, effective, and reliable mixing.

Improving CT, Reduced Chlorine Usage & THM Formation

More Mixing, Less Problems

In clearwells, better mixing can provide the basis for increased contact time.  Increased contact time leads to less chlorine usage.  Not only does using less chlorine save money, it also reduces the magnitude of TTHM issues.  A good mix makes everything better.

Solutions For Water Treatment & Distribution Systems

Ixom Watercare has a long, successful history helping to improve water quality from the clearwell throughout your distribution. We also have one of the strongest warranty & performance guarantees in the industry and firmly believe in providing top-notch Customer Support every step of the way.