Odor Mitigation

Stop Odors Before The Phone Rings

SolarBee® & GridBee® circulation can help you "cap the odors" while providing an overall benefit to your pond and processing.

A majority of odor issues can be solved by maintaining dissolved oxygen levels in the top 2-3 feet of the pond.  This effectively "caps" odors underneath and keeps the phone from ringing with odor complaints.

diagram detailing odor mitigation in a wastewater pond using SolarBee® equipment form Medora Corporation

Solving odor problems in wastewater treatment ponds should begin with a few investigative questions...

  • How was the pond designed?
  • Has the operation of the pond changed over the years?
  • What is the purpose and operational theory of each pond, and have ponds been added or closed?
  • Why are odors apparent on some days and not others?

Understanding these “hows” and “whys” will provide clues to successfully solving odor problems in a variety of wastewater treatment plants. 

button link to independent report regarding odor control in a wastewater lagoon system


Need more information?

Give us a buzz at 866-437-8076 or
contact button for GridBee® SolarBee® Medora Corporation web pages
through our website!

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